We are starting a (R)Evolution and I want you to join us. We are changing the way business support and advice is delivered to the underserved Start-Up, Micro and Small Business. Join our revolution and let it become your evolution!
What started as a rant at a series of events promoting one of my books, became a calling to serve and now a movement to create change for the underserved Start-Up, Micro and Small Businesses community.
I was frustrated when I started my first ever business at both the lack and cost of support. Some twenty years later I have grown, sold and helped businesses to achieve their mission. I have been lucky enough to be the CEO for a few international businesses too.
Despite the success I have never forgotten the early days and the frustrations I felt. The landscape has changed beyond recognition, technology is amazing and information has never been easier to access. Despite this I was amazed to discover that all these years later the independent Start-Ups, Micro and small Businesses are still experiencing the same frustrations I felt all those years ago!
I came back to the UK and wrote a book about performance and while on a UK speaking tour about the book, started to rant about the lack of support! Some bright spark stood up and said this is great but when are you going to do something about it?
That was the kick in the pants I needed and Rainmakers Club and Making Rain became the result. You can choose the best way to gain the advantage. You can join at a level that word for you or you can simply pay as you go on this site.
On this page you are given the opportunity to join and gain significant access and discounts only available to members, welcome to the world of the VIP member...
Okay, let me start by confirming all the standard benefits of membership at this level and then I will add to that the items that are going to make this a special offer exclusive to this page!
Don't let the fact that this is our entry level membership create the wrong impression this, without the added bonuses is of significant value for anyone who is serious about business and personal growth.
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