How to immediately improve everything!

The ultimate success framework...

Can Be Yours Today For An Insane Discount. Keep Scrolling To Find Out More...

As If that wasn't enough I am including amazing Bonus Items in this special one time offer!

what is the ultimate success framework...

Not wanting to over sell this in anyway but this framework is based on the biggest 'Aha' moment I have ever had in my life! That moment resulted in something amazing. Now I want to share it with you.

I would even go as far as to say if you could only do one thing with me for the rest of your life this would be the one thing I would choose for you. My Ultimate success framework is a game-changer for those who put the time in... 

The story of my aha moment...

"The back story to the birth of the Rainmakers Club Ultimate Success Framework, read the story and then it's your turn to experience the Aha moment in your business."

I had been in business for a while and if you took the time to make a list of all the mistakes you could make in business, I am pretty sure I ticked them all, actually I ticked some of them more than once! 

I can remember feeling completely out of my depth and despite putting on a brave face, behind the scenes I was struggling to know what it is I needed to do to experience the levels of success I truly desired. I had a chance encounter with a guy in business who I was to see many times, I was even a guest at his house. He was to become one of my all time great mentors and a friend! 

He was watching my business and I was watching his and this soon became a series of conversations and developed into a collaboration and eventually he shared his secret with me. Not long after that I was able to sell my first business for frankly more than I had though possible, with his help. He took the time to share with me his framework for success and then everything started to change for me as I follows his lead and applied the lessons. 

What I learnt has stayed with me since that day. But I have added to it my personal experience to make it my own. Just to be clear that is exactly what my mentor instructed me to do. When you purchase access to the Ultimate Success Framework, that is exactly what I am telling you to do too. Add to it your own experiences and make it your own. In that way you will get the very best results. I promise you will never look back...

If you can answer Yes to these questions then this framework is going to  give you the same as it gave me !

  • I am willing to learn
  • ​I am willing to put the effort in
  • I am willing to listen
  • I am willing to put the time in

A message from Chris...

what the program contains...

This is only going to give you the briefest of glimpses into some of the headline subjects we will be covering as we reveal to you the Ultimate Success Framework, but it is enough to give you a good idea and I hope motivate you to come and join me on the program.


In the first of the four modules we concentrate on the important of focus. This requires us to change they way we think and spend our time, also where we should be investing that time. We look at motivations, vision and how we can take the vision of tomorrow and bring it into today.


Time is not to be squandered and so in the second module we are looking at how to take the right action at the right time for you and the business. We look at avoiding those actions that achieve little or nothing and procrastination. We also look at the advantages of using block-time.


At the centre of any success you will find a series of relationships. In this module we will deep-dive the techniques for creating enduring relationships that will be both valuable and help you to achieve the success you're looking for.


In the final module we focus on the mindset that needs to be adopted and constantly refined to help you create that success you seek. They way we think is one of the most if not the most important factor in the entire process and everything else relies on this being right.

How The Program Works

  • 1: Once you have completed your purchase, we will send you an email containing all the information and links to give you access to this program and the bonus items that accompany this offer.
  • 2: When you start the program you will also be able to take advantage of the support that goes with the course and the mastermind groups held on Zoom on a regular basis.
  • 3: The Program follows our Ultimate success Framework which has been split into a series of easy to follow modules. These in turn have been split into lessons allowing you to dip in and out as you wish.


 Access to the Ultimate Success Framework

You will be introduced to the full FARM model that will lead to greater results

£495 (Value)

 Program Support & Mentoring 

Personally supplied by the Author using Zoom meetings for 12 months

£995 (Value)

 Ultimate Success Framework Mastermind

With Additional Information below it if you need more room for extra copy

£360 (Value)

 Signed copy of the latest book by Chris Batten

You will be provided with a personalised signed copy of the Seven C's Of Why

£25 (Value)


NORMALLY Discount Price £495


Time Limited Offer Don't miss out

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